Public Sector

Alpine Planning Ltd was set up to offer support both the private and public sectors – we are passionate in our belief that the public sector can play a really involved and innovative role in delivering growth that is to the benefit of existing communities as well as new ones.
We have been fortunate to have worked on some nationally significant projects, bringing forward over 10,000 new homes, over 4 million sqft of employment land, town centre regeneration projects, and green energy parks.
  • Development Management Caseloads
  • Major Project Management
  • S.106 Negotiations
  • Project Management
  • Planning Service Reviews
  • Planning Performance Agreements
  • Fundings Bids
  • Public Engagement
  • Policy preparation and review
In a recent example we supported South Kesteven District Council for a period of 10 months, during which time we conducted a review of the Planning Service, proposed structural alterations, established a Major Projects Team and brought in £180,000 in Planning Performance Agreements to deal with the strategic sites across the District.
So if you’ve got ambitions plans for growth, and you want to ensure you’ve got the resources in place to deliver on them, get in touch to find out how we can support you in achieving your goals.

We're ready to help you get that planning permission you need to realise your ambitions.

Get in touch with us through one of the links below:

Opening Hours


Monday - Friday: 8am - 7:30pm

Saturday: 8am - 7:30pm

Sunday: Closed

Chat with Us


Call: 01536 722950
